LilyannaTM‘s Rose & Pomegrenade Face Cream Is One Very Special Face Cream.
It is one of the Best Face Creams and most popular one on the market today.
Did you know that LilyannaTM Naturals use only the best essential oils to nourish your skin and leave it supple and soft.
It uses Rose Distillate, Aloe Vera, Vitamin C & E, Orange Extract and other essential oils and of course, antioxidants so to leave your skin looking youthful, radiant and supple.
A Little Background
LilyannaTM origins in Singapore, where a team of dermatologists have come together to put the best of Chinese Skincare history to the 21st century.
LilyAna’s skincare products comprise, of no less than, 36 100% natural herbal ingredients which are completely free of any chemical additives and preservatives.
It originated 1,200 years ago, in the Imperial Palace of the Tang Dynasty, China; the products were formulated by Imperial Physicians for use exclusively to consorts living within the Palace.
LilyannaTM has been around since 1995, and its skincare products have attained a very high popularity with the Japanese expatriate community in Singapore.
Founded by Mdm Lily Wong, Lilyanna was created at a time when chemical-based skin care products were the “go to” for many cosmetic companies. Because she had sensitive skin which reacted strongly to all these chemicals she searched for a way to create her own alternatives to treat her skin.
As she had qualifications as a pharmacist in traditional Chinese medicine, she decided to put her knowledge to use and to her and many others, benefit.
Needless to say that later she also qualified as an international beautician and went onto a journey spanning years of intensive research into the ancient arts of oriental cosmetology.
The result is this great skincare range which is not only wonderfully suited to almost ALL skin types but is affordable too.
How Does It Work
Founded on the oriental philosophy of balance and harmony, LilyannaTM strives to return the natural state of your facial skin by getting rid of displaced energies caused by toxins, pollutants, and impurities which have accumulated under the skin layers over long periods of time.
Signs of such imbalances are often seen through dermatological unevenness such as acne, pimples, blackheads, pigmentation, eczema and many other forms of facial skin problems.
The oriental theory of detoxification is a process that may vary on individual reactions where slight redness, itchiness, puffiness, roughness, acne, and spots may appear stronger before turning for the better.
This is particularly true for facial skins that have been exposed to lead and chemical products over a long period of time.
When experiencing such symptoms, it is suggested that you continue using your skincare product with a lighter dosage so to eventually eradicate chemical toxins and purge out impurities which have gathered beneath the facial skin.
Long term usage will improve facial skin protection, eradicate free radicals, improve microcirculation, remove/cure/prevent acne, blackheads, pimples, dull skin, dark eye circles, melanin deposits, whiteheads, oil spots, milia, eczema, red blood silk, sensitive skin, pollen (hay fever), aging skin and various forms of skin problems.
My Personal Advice
So if you are worried by maturing skin on your face and neck, or maybe dry patches, fine lines, wrinkles and maybe crow’s feet and acne, this organic, anti-aging, anti-wrinkle facial moisturizer hydrates and softens delicate facial skin to stop the advancement of aging. Hydrating enough to even use around the eye area, and rejuvenate your entire face & neck.
Personally, I would definitely recommend it to be used by all – it is so applicable to so many skin types, you simply can’t go wrong!
See for yourself…

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Founder & CEO of Beauty Over Fifty